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Advertising campaign
• Promote Meysu Kids juice in the new Minions package
• Increase brand awareness and recognition
• Engage the kids-parents audience to the brand
Rich Media banner with menu mechanic
• SuperGeo targeting
• Optimisation by apps, CTR
Ankara, İstanbul, İzmir, Antalya, Eskişehir, Bursa, Balıkesir, Uşak, Isparta, Denizli, Çanakkala, Kütahya, Aydın


For the most precise targeting of the potential audience, we used a combination of targeting tools by socio-demographic parameters (male and female 25+) and relevant user interests such as:

• Babysitting
• Children
• Children's products
• Family and parents
• Home Movies
• Parents of preschoolers
• Toddlers and babies


Optimisation of the advertising campaign was carried out according to BYYD platform statistics. Our managers selected only the placements with the highest metrics during the campaign to achieve the best cost per click and results.


To achieve high audience engagement our production team created a Rich Media banner. After the intro animation with Minions the user could choose the desired taste of the kid’s juice and go to the product page to see more details. As the result, the fact CTR appeared to be higher than expected %2.2 (plan %2).

Impressions: 1 629 248
CTR - %2.2
Device manufacturers
Operating system
Screenshots of placements
Advertising campaign
Advertising campaign

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