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Advertising campaign
• Raising awareness of the offers of the network of tire and service centers among the target audience
• Attracting targeted traffic to the site
RichMedia creative with route building mechanics
• Targeting by social parameters
• Relevant interests of users and targeting by income level
• Google Analytics

To reach the target audience for this advertising campaign, a combination of targeting was used:

According to the socio-demographic parameters of the audience:

• M/F 25-45 years old

By relevant interests in the “Car enthusiasts” segment:

• Auto parts
• Car repair
• Car servicing
• Driving
• Crossovers
• Diesel cars
• Luxury cars
• Minivans
• Audiophile cars, etc.

By income level – above average and high:

• Career
• Career growth
• Frequent flyer
• Jewelry
• Business
• Money and investments.



Thanks to high-quality optimization and a set of measures taken, the following results were achieved:


Coverage: 450,000+ unique users

Due to optimization, it was possible to exceed impressions within the budget by 2%

Number of visits – 11773
Bounce rate – 25.87% (benchmark: from 45-50%)
Time on site – 00:02:01 (benchmark: from 30 sec) Discrepancy clicks/sessions – 35% (benchmark: 40%)

CTR - 2.12%
Device manufacturers
Screenshots of placements
Advertising campaign
Advertising campaign

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