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10 November 2023
#Mobile advertising

Black Friday Marketing 2023: top-3 strategies to boost your sales

Black Friday marketing differs from other promotional periods, mainly because of unique user behavior patterns. It’s evident that individuals aren’t exposed to such an abundance of favorable promotions and discounts every day.

So, what can brands do to grab attention and increase sales? Today, we’ll share three strategies that will undoubtedly help achieve these goals.

1) Create exclusive discounts and offers

Half of Criteo Shopper Survey respondents cited a great deal as their primary motivation for trying a new retailer. Another 38% of respondents said they were attracted by discounts they couldn’t find anywhere else.

In the UK, these figures were 65% and 53% respectively. In France, 62% of respondents cited favorable offers and 42% exclusive discounts, while in Germany these figures rose to 67% and 58%.

Users like it when ads offer them exactly what they need. And during Black Friday season, consumers are looking for great deals. So offer them something they’ll love.

To do this, use messaging that attracts shoppers interested in the deal. Emphasize the uniqueness of your brand’s offer and reiterate that your product offers the best value in the market.

Black Friday Marketing - online stores

2) Personalize your advertising message

According to Moengage, users expect personalized offers in return for sharing their personal data. In other words, they want to see ads that genuinely interest them. Consequently, during Black Friday marketing, it’s crucial for professionals to use personal data judiciously to tailor the advertising message more effectively.

How to achieve this? Utilize advanced targeting tools.

For instance, on our BYYD platform, you can identify users not only based on socio-demographic characteristics but also according to device language and operating system. This level of detail enables the creation of a precise portrait of your target audience, allowing you to send them a personalized message.

To learn more about targeted advertising, explore our article.

Targeting Tools for Black Friday Marketing

3) Use mobile advertising to attract users attention

Mobile commerce has claimed the spotlight during BFCM. According to Shopify, in 2022, 73% of sales are projected to originate from mobile devices, with only 27% stemming from desktop devices.

This trend not only underscores the prevalent choice of devices in people’s daily lives but also emphasizes the expanding role of mobile devices in the shopping process.

share of web traffic by device

In 2023, this trend is likely to continue. Therefore, now is a good time to develop Black Friday marketing strategies that focus specifically on mobile devices.

For example, you might consider investing in advertising in mobile apps. By strategically placing ads in various apps, you can draw attention to your brand, inform your audience about promotions, and captivate new target users.

Initiate a mobile programmatic campaign on the BYYD platform – sign up on our website to get started.

global programmatic advertising spending

In conclusion, regardless of the Black Friday marketing strategy you choose, it’s crucial to approach advertising during this period with care.

A great option is to implement a combination of advertising strategies simultaneously. Therefore, create exclusive offers, personalize your ads, and display them in mobile apps.

The BYYD platform can assist you in achieving all of these goals. We help brands increase sales and capture attention.

Burger King case study

For instance, in the Burger King case study, we showcased in-app video ads and Rich Media banners. Through proper targeting, quality optimization, and well-chosen platforms, we not only met but exceeded all the planned indicators. For instance, we surpassed the VTR for video ads by 22.55%.

You can find out more about this here.

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